Garden Conversations: Christie Collins, Pollinator Diversity in the Garden

Selected date

Thursday September 14

Selected time

8:30 AM  –  10:30 AM

Please join us for a Garden Conversation at Museum Hill Café with Santa Fe Botanical Garden's Christie Collins, Director of Education and Interpretation. Christie will be discussing the various pollinators found in the Garden and the efforts they are making to increase more diverse populations. This past summer, she presented the Nighttime Mothing program at the Garden where visitors could learn about the less commonly known pollinators.
Christie is a naturalist with 15 years’ experience in environmental education. She recently moved to Santa Fe from Miami, Florida where she was Science Educator at a Sea Turtle rehabilitation facility/nature center. There she oversaw public programs, camps, volunteer training and renovated a 9,000 square foot native plant garden. Originally earning a BS degree in Business and Marketing, she decided to follow her passion for nature and conservation and received another degree in Biology, Wildlife and Natural Resource Conservation. In 2019, she received her Master of Science in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management concentrating on Parks Conservation and Area Management.
Tickets for Members on sale now, $32.00
Tickets for non-members are $40 and will be available August 10th
This event is limited to 40 people
Sponsored by Weldon’s Museum Hill Café 

