Advance registration required. You must be registered in advance to gain admittance to egg hunt.
If you are not attending the egg hunt, regular admission prices apply. Check our website for pricing.
Date: Sunday, April 9th, 2023
Time: 11:00AM – 1:00PM
Location: Santa Fe Botanical Garden, 715 Camino Lejo
Cost: Adults $12/ Youth 7-17 $5/ SFBG members and children ages 6 & under FREE
The Easter Egg Hunt is back after 3 years! Join us Easter day in the Garden 11:00 am – 1:00 pm where “Clover” the Easter Bunny and our staff will hide thousands of eggs throughout the Garden.
Bring the whole family to the Garden where they can design their own Easter bags, search for colorful eggs and win prizes! We will have a special presentation by our Education and Interpretation Director, Christie Collins, on native rabbits of New Mexico, a food truck from Fusion Taco, and plenty of photo opportunities with Clover the Easter bunny!
Registration slots occur every 20 minutes. Eggs will be reset for each new group coming in. Children will have ten minutes to hunt for as many eggs they can find. Once their ten minutes are up, they will turn in their eggs to be counted and to pick their prize. (Remaining ten minutes of slot will be used for prize picking and resetting of eggs.)
Time slot options are:
11:00am-11:20am, 11:20am-11:40am, 11:40am-12pm, 12pm-12:20pm, 12:20pm-12:40pm, 12:40pm-1pm.
Not yet a member? Join/renew now for discounts and benefits all year long!