New Mexico's Dynamic Geology

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Saturday May 13

1:00 PM  –  2:00 PM

Advance registration required.

Date: Saturday May 13, 2023

Time: 1:00 PM- 2:00 PM

Location: Garden Pavilion, 715 Camino Lejo

Cost: Adults $35/Members $28

As a New Mexico resident for more than 40 years, Scott Baldridge has lived the Geology of the Southwest, focusing mainly on volcanoes and the origin of lavas from deep within and below Earth's crust. Join Scott as he discusses the dynamic forces that continue to create the varied landscape that we see around us, such as the still active Rio Grande continental rift. What should we expect in the future of Santa Fe?

Scott Baldridge graduated from Hamilton College in New York State and has an MS and PhD from the California Institute of Technology. For most of his career, Scott worked as a geologist and geophysicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, retiring in 2012. He has conducted research in numerous countries, including Norway, Israel and Honduras. He has remained professionally active, currently serving as past president of the New Mexico Geological Society and working with colleagues. 

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